
About Me

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Gently raising 3 girls to be joyful spirits in this challenging world.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Waverley Abbey

The pictures from Waverley Abbey were taken by Liv, how cool is that. Each of the girls now has a nice digital camera and they absolutely love them. I love to watch them taking care about shots and getting down in the dirt to take pictures of very small plants or really interesting rock formations. I don't really believe in living your life totally through a lens but I love how nature and art go so well together with a camera in hand.


  1. great photos, loving your blog xx

  2. Great photos.
    Amanda, I am so glad you have started a blog, lovely to get a glimpse into your world :) Yours girls look like wonderful souls.

    Did you say that you live in hampshire? It would be great to meet up sometime. My email is if you want to get in touch

    Love Gina xxx
