Where have we been? Well things have been really busy, we went to Hes Fes which was great as ever apart from the sick bug we picked up on the last couple of days.
I've started a weekend job at a bookshop which is fine but really tiring. I work with a lot of students and their energy has no bounds. The job is going to enable us to do something later in the year (secret - ssshhhh).
Alice has opened a shop, well I opened it but she is making. I am amazed by how focused she has been and the photographs are really beautiful (having a really cool photographer in the house is brilliant) . She is so creative and her attention to detail always blows me away.
I'm hoping to start up my blogging again so will be back soon but in the meantime please take a moment to look at Alice's shop and leave a message of support if you can.
Ta Ta for now! xx
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